How quickly it all goes by sometimes when you're not looking.
Or even when you're looking right at it.
What do I mean? Just this - not so long ago, I was struggling through nursing school - well, OK, pretty much coasting, to be honest. Not that it wasn't hard, but I didn't really have that hard a time of it. It just took a lot of time, effort, and study.
Suddenly, it was over, and I was sweating NCLEX.
Then boom, that's done - and we're packed and moved to a new city for my first job as an RN.
Then the whirlwind rush of getting unpacked (which My Loving Bride took care of, mostly, bless 'er) and getting oriented to the new job.
The ICU skills course, and all the extra course work. (And I thought school was over. Ha.)
Now I'm looking at my BSN program for the Spring term. Yeah, I like abuse. So sue me.
And somewhere in between all of this - my little girl, Rebekah, joy of my life and delight of my eyes, the Sugah Puddin' - went from this:

Or even when you're looking right at it.
What do I mean? Just this - not so long ago, I was struggling through nursing school - well, OK, pretty much coasting, to be honest. Not that it wasn't hard, but I didn't really have that hard a time of it. It just took a lot of time, effort, and study.
Suddenly, it was over, and I was sweating NCLEX.
Then boom, that's done - and we're packed and moved to a new city for my first job as an RN.
Then the whirlwind rush of getting unpacked (which My Loving Bride took care of, mostly, bless 'er) and getting oriented to the new job.
The ICU skills course, and all the extra course work. (And I thought school was over. Ha.)
Now I'm looking at my BSN program for the Spring term. Yeah, I like abuse. So sue me.
And somewhere in between all of this - my little girl, Rebekah, joy of my life and delight of my eyes, the Sugah Puddin' - went from this:

To this:

Where the hell was I?
Note to self: don't miss things - the clock doesn't run backwards.